CSM Approach to Career & Financial Success

Career and Financial success are core to happiness of any individual. Any Life Management System should ensure that career & financial Life is not only smooth and growing but also gives a sense of satisfaction and security. Further financial success should not be at cost of physical health and family life. It should form basis of a balanced life. A successful career at the end should service purpose of meeting wider social and national objectives. At one stage every successful career should convert into a mission for human welfare and divine manifestation.
However in present times there are few persons whose careers have shaped on above lines. The plans and means adopted often do not lead to desired results. Unemployment due to slow down and lack of opportunities are most important issues of present day discourse. Stability of jobs can no longer be guaranteed while business models are failing at faster rates.
Further success of one individual is often associated with tensions and conflicts in society. Quite often success also extracts a price in other areas of life. Thus, success in career may lead to losing of opportunities for growth in family and social life. Another very important trend of modern times is growing long term insecurity among employees as well as organizations. Employees fear chances of redundancy due to arrival of better professionals or technology or fundamental changes in nature of profession. Thus success does not always provide sense of security which is very essential for happiness.
Defects of Job Oriented Approach :
A large majority of people are tuned to think about Career as Job Management. This approach focuses on getting a right education to get a good job and working to hold the job or getting another job. This job centric approach has severe limitations. Firstly depending on a job has a high risk factor due to inherent instability in private sector organizations. Companies and often entire sector gets sick due to many macro environment Factors or weak business models. This problem is more acute for employees at senior Levels or those in higher age brackets.
As regarding Government Jobs, they give a semblance of stability but suffer with under utilization of capabilities and resultant lack of merit based growth. Thus Government Jobs are not in harmony wider social and national Objectives of optimum productivity, creativity and utilization of human capabilities.
The first step to dynamic Career Management is to substitute the Job Oriented Approach with Product Approach. This involves considering oneself as a Product and Opportunities Available as prospective Customers. One needs to learn to Develop and Adopt this Product to Customer requirements. This involves understanding the Self Marketing techniques for Career Management.
CSM Approach to Career Management
Career Management for an employee or a firm is purely a question of Right Strategy. Every person can a achieve peak excellence and success in his Career & Life, irrespective of his resources, education, contacts or personality.
CSM i.e. Core Strategy Manifestation is a program to develop right strategies for
individuals as well as organizations to unleash a spiral of growth and peak success in harmony with society and environment. CSM is based on some very simple but highly effective natural laws. Almost all of successful people have acted and behaved in a common pattern. CSM attempts to articulate it simply for every individual and firm.
CSM states that success does not depend upon education level or hard work. It depends upon using one’s resources in accordance with laws of nature.
Success in work automatically leads to dynamic changes in personality like dynamism, confidence, attractiveness and happiness. Further CSM approach to Career Management leads to overall Integration with Company, Family, and Society as a whole. This leads to harmony and cohesiveness. This type of success extends from oneself to family and society as whole. It leads to best of social contribution.
Finally starting from success in own material needs and social needs , it leads to that levels of divine manifestation and happiness when one enjoys this life effortlessly. This is the equivalent of Karma Yoga which we are all aware of.
CSM Approach to Career Management is summarized on following lines:
- Existing Profile Analysis
- Market Analysis
- Improving the Profile
- Marketing Improved Profile
- Market Your Product or Service /Create Your Position
- Content Of Application /Advertisement
- Create Your Own Vacancy
5. Customer Orientation
Anyone can achieve a peak success level in all aspects of life by adopting a correct strategy based on natural laws. The earlier one starts the better are chances Especially in case of children , we can make Peak Performers out of them.
Career Management is a vast subject. CSM method of Career Management is based on common sense and practical examples. Almost all the success stories of past are based on these powerful principals.
There may be long list of questions on implementation of CSM model of Career Management which we shall attempt to discuss in this column in coming days.
This Write up is part of CSM Life & Career Management Training Program which is about developing Strategy based on Natural Laws for Peak success in Career and Life. Details can be downloaded from our website.
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